By Drew Hyndman
NUS’s latest scandal doesn’t even come as a surprise at this point. Following undercover filming by Al Jazeera, it has been revealed that NUS Vice-President Richard Brooks has been working to at least ensure President Malia Bouattia doesn’t get re-elected.
The video has since led to calls for him to resign, with Brooks remaining defiant. And, why wouldn’t he? All he has done is fight for Jewish students that feel attacked by Malia’s presidency.
Anti-semitism at British universities has risen under her leadership and all she has done to try and reassure students is write smug pieces in online blogs. She hasn’t reached out to students, or tried to listen to them. Regardless of your opinion, she has surely failed as a president by doing this.
But NUS officials, such as NEC member Shabina Raja, have the gall to accuse Brooks of racism! Suggesting that he only wants to remove Malia because she is a woman of colour.
No, of course it can’t be anything to do with her anti-Semitism and failure to address students concerns.
It’s a new low for the NUS and Malia’s faction. I would urge our delegates to this year’s conference to follow Richard’s lead and fight for students that are marginalised by Malia’s rhetoric.
A failure to end the madness at the conference surely signals that it is time for SUBU to disaffiliate. If solely on the principle of defending our Jewish students.